School of Film and Television
For a comprehensive program list of all majors
- History of Animation
- Visual Story Development
- Drawing I
- Beginning Animation Workshop
- Drawing II: Figure Drawing
- Art of Cinema
- Art of Screen Media
- Storytelling for the Screen
- Intermediate Animation Workshop
- Digital Toolbox
- Figure Drawing Workshop
- Introduction to 3D Computer Animation
- Introduction to Interactive Animation
- Figure Drawing Workshop
- Art of Cinema
- Art of Screen Media
- Beginning Animation
- Introduction to Screen Production
- Storytelling for the Screen
- World Cinema 2 (1995-1990)
- Introduction to Film/Media Theory
- Art of Cinema
- Art of Screen Media
- Introduction to Screen Production
- Storytelling for the Screen
- Introduction to Film Production
- Sound Design
- Introduction to Television Production
- Cinematography
- Fundamentals of Directing
- World Cinema 1 (1895-1955)
- World Cinema 2 (1955-1990)
- Art of Cinema
- Art of Screen Media
- Fundamentals of Music
- Fundamentals of Sound
- The Piano Experience
- Introduction to Film Production
- Introduction to Screen Production
- Sound Design
- Digital Sound Editing
- Art of Cinema
- Art of Screen Media
- Introduction to Screen Production
- World Cinema 2 (1955-1990)
- Beginning Screenwriting